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Sunday, April 17, 2016
Haqq dawah Media Presents: Glad Tidings 10 Reasons You Should Not Fear Muslims 04/17 by Haqq Dawah Media | Islam Podcasts
Haqq dawah Media Presents: Glad Tidings 10 Reasons You Should Not Fear Muslims 04/17 by Haqq Dawah Media | Islam Podcasts: AsSalaam Alkuim, When I was a toddler, I was terrified of ladybugs. There was just something about how different they looked that made me fear and despise them. To me, they looked harmful. As I grew older, I learned that ladybugs are not only absolutely harmless to humans but also extremely beneficial to us because they feed on landscape pests without harming our plants or other harmless bugs. Knowing this, I no longer am scared of ladybugs and I actually enjoy their presence. There are millions of Muslims living in the United States and I can guarantee you that every single one has either directly faced some sort of hateful discrimination or knows of a Muslim that has. According to the Center for the Study of Hate and Extremism, a Muslim American is a victim of a hate crime every three days. Recent polls show that more than half of Americans have an unfavorable view of Islam. Sadly, Muslims are today's ladybugs.
Sunday, April 10, 2016
Haqq Dawah Media Presents: Glad Tidings Why we should not use the word God to describe the Creature
- Stop praying to God. Start praying to your Creator instead!There are thousands of false gods but only one Creator!So pray to the One Who created you!The Creator Who created the Universe is the God of everything He created! No other godexists. All others are false gods! When you say: “Oh My Creator,” you are speaking to theonly God! There is no God but Him! If it takes you 13 years or more to understand thissimple concept, it would be time well spent.For now, just forget about practicing any religion. Concentrate on praying to your Creator.Don’t say: “Oh My God”Instead you must say: Oh My Creator!”Only the Creator is God! Satan has fooled mankind into praying to thousands of false gods,since the time of Adam. Each person is claiming he or she is praying to the real God, butthat cannot be true. The only real God is the One who created you; no one else!Many people agree that there is only One God but they disagree on what name to call Him.The safer and better thing to do is pray: “Oh My Creator!” This way, everyone will bepraying to the real God every time they call on him. Here are some tips to stay safe:1. When you say: “Oh My Creator,” you are praying directly to the only real God! You are thehuman being He created and He is your Creator, Who created you. There is no barrierbetween you and your Creator!2. Ask your Creator to forgive you for all your sins. Do not ask anyone else! No one canforgive your sins, no matter what fantastic story you hear! Cry in secret to your Creator! Hewill forgive you all your sins, every last one! Don’t ever tell anyone about your sins. Youwould only be humiliating yourself. When your Creator prevented people knowing aboutyour sins, it is because He is protecting you from public shame and dishonor!3. Ask your Creator to guide you. It’s very confusing with all those religions out there. Don’tbe in a rush to find a religion to practice. All of them are claiming to be the true religion.That cannot be true. Trust only your Creator to guide you! Don’t trust us either! Depend onlyon your Creator to guide you to the right religion when the time comes. In the meantime,live a clean, wholesome way of life and wait for your Creator’s decision. Do as much gooddeeds as you can. Stay away from all bad deeds. Your Creator never abandoned you! Why
- do you think you are reading this right now. This is a part of the package of guidance yourCreator prepared especially for you. He will keep on offering it to you throughout the courseof your life. If you die without accepting it, you will not be able to claim that you didn’t know.On the Day of Judgment comes. We will be there to witness that your Creator guided you asHe guided us!4. Don’t give money to houses of worship to distribute for you. Do it yourself! Give moneyfrom you wallet immediately to needy people, whenever and wherever you see them. Don’tlose that chance to do that good deed right then and there. Give out of what your Creatorgave to you. Satan will whisper to you that the person in front of you doesn’t qualify foryour charity or that you can give charity later. The next time may never come. Make it ahabit to give charity regularly. Help the needy people, don’t judge them. Your Creator is theJudge over all that He created. Let your Creator handle the judging business and you try toqualify yourself for His Mercy!Remember: There are only two entities in existence:The Creator exists, and whatever He created exists.Nothing else exist!If you are not praying to the Creator, you are praying to a false god. It’s that simple.Praying to a false god means you are going to Hell forever!Use your commonsense! Think this over carefully and save yourself and your family fromHell! Save your spouses, your children, your parents, your relatives, your friends and yourpreachers and teachers. Try to save everyone! That’s what we are trying to do! The worstthing anyone can do is pray to a false god! Only your Creator is God! All others are falsegods!As a fetus in the womb, your Creator implanted a soul in you at that time. When you cameout into this world, you got a body as to work with for a certain amount of years. TheCreator gave you commonsense to figure things out and make decisions. He gave you asoul to benefit from your good decisions and to suffer the consequences of your baddecisions. When the body dies, your soul will stand before the Creator to be rewarded orpunished.Your Creator is Just! Even the people who prayed to false gods get rewards for their gooddeeds, but they get it right here in this world. In the next world, they get nothing. They willfollow their false gods (or symbols of their gods) straight into Hell forever!
- Only those who worshipped their Creator would be left standing. These people have tocompensate those whom they had wronged by paying them with their good deeds. If theyrun out of good deeds before they have paid everyone, the must take the bad deeds of theone they had wronged until each issue is settled. No one gets away with injustice.People would then be judged based upon the deeds they have left. If your good deedsoutweigh your bad deeds, the Creator promised to forgive you and through His Mercy, theCreator will grant you Paradise. If your bad deeds outweigh your good deeds, the Creatormay still forgive you and through His Mercy, grant you Paradise, or He may send you to Hellfor as long as He wills. Then whenever He is ready, the Creator will forgive you and throughHis Mercy, grant you Paradise. So do much good deeds, stay away from all bad deeds,avoid hurting others, and constantly ask your Creator to guide you and all mankind. At thevery least, seek forgiveness of the Creator for all your sins before you die!We don’t want anything from you and we have nothing to give you. We are not sellinganything and we are not propagating any religion Follow whatever religion your Creatorguides you to. Only your Creator can open your heart to see sense in whatever religion Hewill choose for you to practice. We want you to pray to the real God and be safe. Whenpeople pray to false gods, how would they receive guidance? Too many people are prayingto false gods! We are just trying to help!Please send copies of this letter to co-workers, friends, neighbors, etc. Make hard copiesand distribute to everyone and mail it to people in other places. Ask people what they thinkof this concept. Does it make sense? On the Day of Judgment, people of Hell will say:“If we had listened or used our commonsense, we would not be in the fire!” So listen nowand take heed! Please take the trouble to send this letter to at least 10 people that you know.Tell them to send it to 10 others that they know. Try to help people from ending up in thefire! Your Creator will reward you!Remember: We don’t want anything from you, and we don’t have anything to give you.
- Please feel free to share
Monday, April 4, 2016
Haqq Dawah Media Presents: Glad Tidings Terrorism form an Islamic Point of View (Show Notes)
AsSalaam Alkuim,
Terrorism: the use of violence and intimidation in the pursuit of political aims.
Terrorism: the use of violence and intimidation in the pursuit of political aims.
Picture this: You wake up in the morning to hear your wife screaming at you because it’s pouring rain outside. She hates the rain and now her day is ruined because of you. You go downstairs only to hear your children yell at you because they broke the toaster. They can’t have waffles now and it’s all your fault. On the way to work, you stop and fill up gas only to hear everyone at the gas station curse you out because gas prices have risen. You arrive at work only to see all your coworkers gathered around your desk demanding that you apologize for the printer being jammed. On the way home from work, everyone on the highway screams at you because they are upset with the rush hour traffic.
Quite a ridiculous scenario, right? Can you imagine always being blamed for things that you have absolutely no control over? Can you imagine always being asked to apologize for these things? Can you imagine being hated whether or not you do apologize? This is what being a Muslim in America today feels like.
I am a proud American, raised in Texas. I’m a college student. I’m a humanitarian. I’m an aspiring physician. I’m someone who hopes to revolutionize access to medicine and healthcare in the United States and in war-torn countries across the world. I also am a M-u-s-l-i-m, one of over 1.6 billion who are blamed whenever an act of terrorism occurs as if we are nothing more than this 6-letter word hijacked by those who wrongly use our religion to justify their heinous crimes.
As a Muslim American who continually strives to do everything I can for the betterment of my community and this nation, I am tired of being asked to apologize and condemn terrorism that I have absolutely nothing to do with.
Here Are Five Reasons Why Muslims Should Never Have To Apologize for Terrorism:
1) It’s ridiculous to ask us to apologize.
As a practicing Muslim, I know that my religion teaches peace. I am so certain of this fact that I will award anyone $10,000 if they can find me a verse in the Quran that says it’s ok to kill innocent people or to commit acts of terror. This is an open offer that will never expire.
1) It’s ridiculous to ask us to apologize.
As a practicing Muslim, I know that my religion teaches peace. I am so certain of this fact that I will award anyone $10,000 if they can find me a verse in the Quran that says it’s ok to kill innocent people or to commit acts of terror. This is an open offer that will never expire.
I also know that Muslims, as a religious group, are not terrorists. I have factually proved this. I also have factually proved that you are more likely to be struck by lightening, crushed to death by a couch, or killed by a toddler, than to be killed by a Muslim.
This being said, why should I have to apologize for a violence that I have no connection to? A violence my religion blatantly stands against.
Ask yourself: Should car manufacturers have to apologize when drunk drivers kill people using their vehicles? Should you be required to apologize to the police if your sibling gets a speeding ticket because you share the same last name? Should every single gun owner in America have to apologize whenever someone is killed by a firearm? Should weathermen have to apologize for cloudy days? Should pharmacists have to apologize for your allergies? Should I have to apologize for the typos of another writer?
Unless you can find that $10,000 verse or unless you blatantly hear a Muslim explicitly supporting terrorism, please understand that asking us, both individually and collectively, to apologize for terrorism would be just as ridiculous as the questions above.
2) It should be obvious by now that Muslims condemn terrorism.
By now, it should be very clear that Muslims condemn terrorism. All it takes is a simple Google search of any terrorist attack to find the plethora of Muslims publicly condemning it. Try it out. For example, here are over 40 examples of Muslims condemning the Charlie Hebdo attacks. And here is an example of how Muslims all across the world condemned the Paris attacks.
By now, it should be very clear that Muslims condemn terrorism. All it takes is a simple Google search of any terrorist attack to find the plethora of Muslims publicly condemning it. Try it out. For example, here are over 40 examples of Muslims condemning the Charlie Hebdo attacks. And here is an example of how Muslims all across the world condemned the Paris attacks.
Muslims condemn terrorism, we always have. This is a fact. And just as I shouldn’t have to reassure you each morning that the sky is still blue, Muslims should not have to reassure you that we still condemn terrorism every single time a terrorist attack occurs.
And frankly, if you don’t already believe that Muslims condemn terrorism by now, then no apology or repeated broken-record condemnation from any Muslim or Muslim organization will help cure your intolerant hatred.
3) Muslims are at the very forefront of combating terrorism.
The only thing more ridiculous than asking people to apologize for something they have no connection to is to make people apologize for something they are working so hard to combat.
The only thing more ridiculous than asking people to apologize for something they have no connection to is to make people apologize for something they are working so hard to combat.
Muslims want to defeat terrorism just as much as any other American, if not more. This is why we have Muslim women like Niloofar Rahmani and Kubra Khademi who are at the very frontlines fighting terrorists. This is why millions of Muslim youth are taking a stand against ISIS. This is why tons of Muslim groups and scholarsrepeatedly issue statements condemning ISIS, many even being beheaded by ISISfor doing so.
This is why more than 120 Muslim scholars from around the world joined together to write an open letter to ISIS, denouncing them as un-Islamic by using Islamic terms. This is why Muslims are being killed by ISIS for publicly opposing this terrorist group’s persecution of Christians.
For the same reasons that firemen don’t apologize for fires and doctors don’t apologize for heart disease, Muslims should not be expected or asked to apologize for something they are working so hard to combat.
4) Muslims are the largest victims of terrorism.
According to the Counter Terrorism Center at the United States Military Academy at West Point, Al-Qaeda kills over seven times more Muslims than non-Muslims.According to the UN, Muslims are the largest victims of ISIS. According to the State Department, Muslims are the largest victims of terrorism in general. No matter where you look, you will find that the strongest association between Muslims and terrorism is one in which Muslims are victims of it.
According to the Counter Terrorism Center at the United States Military Academy at West Point, Al-Qaeda kills over seven times more Muslims than non-Muslims.According to the UN, Muslims are the largest victims of ISIS. According to the State Department, Muslims are the largest victims of terrorism in general. No matter where you look, you will find that the strongest association between Muslims and terrorism is one in which Muslims are victims of it.
There is a sad irony in how Muslims are the largest victims of terrorism yet also receive the most hatred for it. Just as it would be wrong to blame African Americans for slavery, starving children for world hunger, and toddlers for school shootings, it is equally wrong to blame Muslims for terrorism when we are always the victims of it.
Want me to call the leader of ISIS and tell him to stop committing terror? Give me his contact information; I’d be happy to. Any Muslim would. But just know that the conversation would begin with us, ISIS’s largest victims, telling him to stop hijacking our religion to justify killing Muslims who actually follow it.
5) If we have to apologize for terrorism, then so should everyone else.
This last point is especially important. Why are Muslims the only group that are required to apologize for and condemn the actions of criminals that associate with their group?
This last point is especially important. Why are Muslims the only group that are required to apologize for and condemn the actions of criminals that associate with their group?
To put things into perspective, ask yourself: Why aren’t all white males asked to apologize for the slavery that white males endorsed less than two centuries ago? The slavery in which one third of slaves were Muslims. Why aren’t all Buddhists asked to apologize for the radical Buddhist monks in Mynammar that are violently attacking Muslims? Why aren’t all policemen asked to apologize for the racist cops that are dropping the bodies of unarmed blacks like leaves in the autumn?
You must understand that just as you are detached from the heinous crimes mentioned above, I am just as detached from the terrorism that so many keep trying to link me with for no other reason than me being a Muslim.
You must understand that by asking me whether I condemn terrorism, you are questioning my humanity.
Omar Alnatour is a Palestinian-American college student. He is an aspiring physician and hopes to improve access to medicine and healthcare in war-torn countries. Omar has worked on humanitarian projects with PCRF, UNRWA, Helping Hand for Relief and Development, and United Muslim Relief. He is one of the biggest voices on the Palestine-Israel conflict on Twitter with his tweets being featured on Huffington Post, CNN, , Buzzfeed, The Independent, Al Jazeera, Vice News, AJ Plus, RT News, and Mondoweiss
Sunday, April 3, 2016
Haqq Dawah Media Presents: A Glad Tidings Special: Islamophbia (Show Notes)
AsSalaam Alkuim
- dislike of or prejudice against Islam or Muslims, especially as a political force.
A phobia, according to the Merriam-Webster dictionary, is an exaggerated, usually inexplicable and illogical fear of a particular object, class of objects, or situation.
The name Islamophobia found it’s way into common vocabulary 1997 by the Runnymede Trust. It was as a term condemning negative emotions such as hatred, fear and dread towards Islam and Muslim. It is sometimes called racism, but it is really a misunderstanding and miseducation of a beautiful way of life.
Islamophobia in America increased soon after September 11, 2001. Around the world it also began to rise due to increase of Muslims in European countries.
Islamophobia does not just affect more than small group of Muslims but , it affects the world as a whole. There has been a rise in Islamophobia in the recent years due to how easy it is make someone the bad guy, the boogie man. There are groups who are funded millions of dollars a year to support this phobia.
The call to make Islam the devil of humanity has even become popular by candidates running for political office. This used to rally up support and build momentum for their evil agendas.
Some reasons of Islamophobia:
- Islam is seen as a monolithic bloc, static and unresponsive to change.
- It is seen as separate and "other". It does not have values in common with other cultures, is not affected by them and does not influence them.
- It is seen as inferior to the West. It is seen as barbaric, irrational, primitive, and sexist.
- It is seen as violent, aggressive, threatening, supportive of terrorism, and engaged in a clash of civilizations.
- It is seen as a political ideology, used for political or military advantage.
- Criticisms made of "the West" by Muslims are rejected out of hand.
- Hostility towards Islam is used to justify discriminatory practices towards Muslims and exclusion of Muslims from mainstream society.
- Anti-Muslim hostility is seen as natural and normal.
The media is often used as an escape goat, like the man in the grassy knoll. Or the entity that is always keeping up trouble. In the case I will have to agree to a certain point. There are more tv show, movies, and news broadcast that show Muslims as the quote on Bad Guy. A lot of times there are whole news shows dedicated to making Islam seem as the one causing all trouble in the world. Lets not forget the millions that hollywood spends enforcing a negative light on Islam. This not to say all are doing this, there are some who fight against Islamophobia.
Over the years there have been attacks on Muslims men and woman. Even arson, and graffiti to our mosque. This has grown alarming since 2001.
So what can we as Muslims do to eliminate not only the crime against Muslims, but the hate also. Also to eliminate the world of Islamophobia.
- Educate the people around us about Islam. Teach them and the good news will spread.
- Be an example. Let your good manners,and charter show what this deen is all about.
- Make dawah part of your life.
- Support organizations that are working against this divider that is named Islamophobia.
“Islam is not a race, ethnicity, or nationality: It’s a set of ideas, a way of life for Humanity.”
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