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Monday, September 7, 2015

Haqq Dawah Medai Presents: Glad Tidings S.2E.3. Show Notes

AsSalaam Alkuim,

Salah: is one of the “five pillars” of the faith of Islam and an obligatory religious duty for every Muslim. It is a physical, mental and spiritual act of worship that is observed five times every day at prescribed times. In this ritual, the worshiper starts standing, bows, prostrates, and concludes while sitting on the ground. During each posture, the worshiper recites or reads certain verses, phrases and prayers. The word salat is commonly translated to prayer but this definition might be confusing. Muslims use the words "Dua" or "Supplication" when referring to the common definition of prayers which is "reverent petitions made to Allah."

The revaluation of Salah:

The times for salah:

 meaning "to listen, to hear, be informed about". 
Adhan is called out by a muezzin from the mosque five times a day, traditionally from the minaret, summoning Muslims for mandatory salah. A second call, known as iqama , (set up) then summons Muslims to line up for the beginning of the prayers. The main purpose behind the multiple loud pronouncements of adhan in every mosque is to make available to everyone an easily intelligible summary of Islamic belief. It is intended to bring to the mind of every believer and non-believer the substance of Islamic beliefs, or its spiritual ideology. In modern times,loudspeakers have been installed on minarets for this purpose.
The adhan recites theTakbr (Allah is great)[1] followed by the Shahada (There is no god but Allah, Muhammad is the messenger of Allah).[2] This statement of faith, called the Kalimah.
Common mistakes in Wudu:

Learn to make salah:

Common mistakes made during salah:

I pray that this is beneficial and you can use it in your life. 

The Haqq Dawah Group